During this period till date, this organization has not received any project funding from the government, however its role for the welfare of people to every extent of its financial strength based upon self-contribution and local  donation, has been provision of free educational guidance to the students during shut downs, organizing medical camps with free distribution of medicines in poor backward areas and cleanliness drives in its surroundings that were up to the mark and to the best satisfaction of the public mostly with praise worthy remarks. Further the organization has been all-time engaged with prevention and control of Covid19 form the time of its emergence by way of distributing free masks and providing Oxygen facilities to the general public. Moreover the organization in 2021 has also successfully and satisfactorily completed the project of barricading and providing refreshment to the participants of Independence Day Cermination at SK stadium Bandipora, allotted by PHE department Bandipora.

As per the strength of funds available the organization since its establishment is providing helping hand to the poor and needy people as charity and works for the betterment and upliftment of general public.

Presently the volunteers of the organization are contributing for the prevention and control of Covid19 and simultaneously cleanliness drives are undertaken with the sachh bharat mission. Also maintaining the slogan “water is life” more attention is being paid to save drinking water resources from pollution. In this regard maintenance of  springs is taken care of as Bandipora being aboard of fresh and mineral water spring.