About Us

About Us

Sheikh-Ul-Alam Envirolink Society
Sheik ul Alam Enviro-link society (SAES) Bandipora is a non-political and non-profit organization with a mission to assist in solving the social as well as physical environmental problems as an initiative in its close vicinity in particular and with the passage of time and experience to extend its operation for enlightening the adjoining areas of the valley of Kashmir and outside within the country, with the help and in collaboration with other NGO's, private organizations and all the departments of the government as well.

Our History

The SAES established in 2017 legally and registered under the Act VI of 1998 (1941 AD), has its head office in Muslimabad Bandipora Kashmir. It is organized by qualified youth, professionals and dedicated persons and is functioning with the help, effort and contribution of their family members, friends and well-wishers. During this period till date, this organization has not received any project funding from the government, however its role for the welfare of people to every extent of its financial strength based upon self-contribution and local donation, has been provision of free educational guidance to the students during shut downs, organizing medical camps with free distribution of medicines in poor backward areas and cleanliness drives in its surroundings that were up to the mark and to the best satisfaction of the public mostly with praise worthy remarks.

The SAES Bandipora Kashmir aims to strive for the preservation and promotion of our rich physical and social environment and all the dedicated members are ready to provide selfless services to preserve our fast depleting rich culture and natural wealth. It is our commitment to work for the uplifting of the economically poor people, the persons with disability, orphan, widow and the ailing people by whatever means available.


The Officials, members and expertise of the organization belong to this soil, The mission of organization is to support and cooperate for the uplifting of our community in almost every field with the priority in health sector. In this regard health issues especially mental health of the community will be addressed with all the responsible causes like the menace of Drug addiction, Lack of awareness, unemployment, Poverty alleviation, dowry system etc.


With the belief “Child is the father of nation” Health, education and empowerment of women is of utmost importance, mothers Lap being its very
first institution. As such health issues of women folk addressed with priority will contribute to build a healthy and strong nation.

Our Volunteers

Our Volunteers

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